It's not just about me!

Optical Illutions

  1. Top  left: Stare at it. It will seem to move out from center
  2. Top right: Count the black dots between squares. They disappear from direct view.
  3. Row 2 left: Stare at dot in middle while moving head closer and farther away. Ring moves.
  4. Row 2 right: Stare at center circle. It will appear to flicker.
  5. Row3 right: Stare at picture. Objects appear to rotate.
  6. Row 3 left: Grey bar is same shade all the way across.
  7. Row 4 left: Stare at picture. It will seem to flicker.
  8. Row 4 right: Stare at center area. Square area will appear to be raised.
  9. Row 5 left: It will appear to have a wave in the pattern
  10. Row 5 right: Stare at peanuts and they will seemingly start to move.
  11. Row 6 left: The Spiral patteren is not spiral but round circles.
  12. Row 6 right: The roundish objects are really totally round.
  13. Row 7 left: Stare at picture. objects seem to rotate.
  14. Row 7 right: Horizontal lines are really perfectly parallel to each other (like railroad tracks)
  15. Row 8 left: The most weird in the group. Left face appears mean while right is nice. Step back a few feet and they reverse expressions!
  16. Row 8 right: Similar to row 5 right.
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